County Water Committee Meeting - Wednesday, May 18, 2022 PM tel:+1%20803-999-5403;911683369%23 View more phone numbers: Architectural Review Committee Meeting - Tuesday, May 24, 2022 7:00 PM tel:+1%20520-230-3409;138483182%23 View more phone numbers: COMMUNITY UPDATE May 2022 Volume I Issue 4 Dear Neighbors, With Spring well underway we are busy getting ready for summer. As we say goodbye to longtime residents, we welcome new families to St. Martins By the Bay. Our heartfelt condolences to the family of Mark Abbott, longtime resident of Marina Drive. Mark will be missed by all who knew him. In March the Board accepted the resignations of Jack Shook and Barry Keefer with gratitude for their service. According to the bylaws, these vacancies will be appointed by the Board. These directors will serve until our next annual meeting in February 2023, at which time an election for those seats will be held. Looking for nominations… Please contact any Board member with your interest or recommendations. WIth the transition of new Treasurer complete, the HOA mailbox has been moved from Barry Keefer’s house to Keith Miller’s house, 11750 Riverview Drive. The recent real estate boom has resulted in several home sales, and so we want to welcome new families. David & Sue Lyons Jim Adcock & Karen McClure Kathleen O’ Hanlon Brent Cutsall & Jane Synder Leslie Rock Committee Work The reorganization of the Board is underway, and committees have been developed to share the real work that continues between Board meetings. Meetings of these committees will be posted on the website and residents are welcome to join in. At this point most meetings will continue to be virtual. Water Supply and Community Septic With the resignation and absence of Jack Shook, we were in need of 1 or 2 full-time residents to oversee and monitor the daily well water and community septic systems. Thanks to Brandon Ridout who has volunteered to manage the Well/Pump House! We are still looking for a volunteer to oversee the Septic Systems. This involves being available to receive calls about problems and notify our service companies that repair/service as needed. These two utilities are vital to the health and safety of our community. While it does not require daily maintenance, it does require a willingness to communicate between residents and service providers to ensure our water and septic systems continue to run smoothly. Email [email protected] or reach out to any Board member with your interest. County Water Project Board Member Bill Custead and resident volunteer Bill Killinger met with County representative Bob Mitchell on 4/22. This meeting allowed us to introduce new community leaders and gain a better understanding of the status of our application for county water. Details will be reported at the Board meeting on June 9th. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - If you can attend, please do! ST. MARTIN’S BY THE BAY USDA GRANT APPLICATION WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND PUBLIC HEARING TUESDAY, May 17th, 2022 AT 10:40 AMIN THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ MEETING ROOM WORCESTER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER – ROOM 1101 ONE WEST MARKET STREET SNOW HILL, MARYLAND 21863 Pool On Thursday, May 26, 5 to 7 PM we are looking for help to set up furniture/equipment in preparation for opening on Saturday May 28. We’d like this to be an opportunity for neighbors to get together, roll up our sleeves, and even have a bit of fun and refreshments. Because dues are 100% current, the lock to the pool will not be changed this season! Your keys from last year will still work (savings of $535). If you need a replacement, see Janie Stopford. Architectural Review Committee Townhouse residents have been notified of individual concerns and many have responded positively to the repair suggestions. Our goal with the committee is to improve the overall appearance of the community while balancing the economic needs of owners. A recommendation to the board regarding the painting of the townhouses will be made soon. The committee is also considering various options for the removal of Phragmites, which is an invasive species that destroys the shoreline and threatens wetlands. In determining its removal our goal is to choose a method that will protect the shoreline and natural habitat of the dock and surrounding areas while being mindful of the expense. Sunshine/Social Committee This new committee is created to build relationships among neighbors and develop community spirit. Our first event will be at the end of May with the opening of pool season. We are looking for people who may be interested in joining this committee. Lawn Care/gardens This year our lawn care service will cut the grass weekly. However, the provider will use his professional judgment and when it is apparent that the grass does not need to be cut, he will skip a week. This will improve the growth and quality of the lawn and we will also save money! So if you notice the lawn has not been cut in a week, know that there was a reason. Volunteers have begun working on the upkeep of the gardens of the pool area and town house parking lots; pulling weeds, and planning plantings. Anyone with an interest in gardening is asked to consider volunteering to maintain the area in front of the townhouses A and B on Riverview Drive. On Behalf of the St Martins By the Bay HOA Board of Directors, Lynne Partridge, Chair
Nancy Wright
5/18/2022 06:50:53 am
Thank you for the wealth of info.
Miguel Rodriguez
7/15/2022 06:22:35 pm
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