HOA meeting at the Ocean Pines library at 10 am on August 10th RESPOND TO SURVEY BY JUNE 23 Dear Home Owner: The Board of Directors is pursuing acquiring public water and we would like to know your true interest in this endeavor. Our lovely community of 54 homes and 4 undeveloped lots, was built over 30 years ago with our own water and sewer system. Back then our water system discharge was approved to flow directly into the river. Since then environmental concerns have progressed and our infrastructure has aged. In the past two years we have received violations from MDE for our water pump house flooding and having no permit to discharge into the river. We have spent over $14,000 on the purchase of new pumps for the system. We have had other numerous operational issues resulting in loss of water and questionable water quality. Dee Settar from MDE “strongly recommended we consider public water because of the age and placement of our system”. In August 2017 we submitted the required number of affirmative responses from home owners requesting we proceed with the study to determine if a public water system from Ocean Pines to our community was feasible; what the likely costs would be; and to what extent these costs would be be borne by our community members. Bob Mitchell from Worcester County recently submitted an estimate (shown below) for water service to our community. This cost range of $620,190.00 to $750,000.00 includes 8 hydrants. The assumption is that the main would run through the community and would hook onto some of the townhomes and cul-de-sacs mains. The numbers reflect an initial estimate and a potential ceiling estimate, but are just a ballpark estimate. USDA has money to loan and there is the possibility for grants. Added to this cost would be the annual operational charge for the water of $250 based on 6 thousand gallons of usage per month. As a funding example a USDA loan of $750,000.00 at 2% over 20 years is $800 per house per year. At 3% over 40 years it’s $600 per house per year. We hope to have Bob Mitchell attend our next HOA meeting at the Ocean Pines library at 10 am on August 10. However we need to know your interest, your concerns and your questions about acquiring public water. We thank you for your input. Your Board
In attendance:
Board members: Jack Shook, Barry Keefer, Lynne Partridge, Craig Constantino, Buddy Dukes, Mike Shutt, Janie Stopford HOA members: Joleen Killinger Call to Order: Jack Shook 12:01 Secretary’s Report: Lynne Partridge - Minutes from meeting of 5/4/19
Treasurer’s Report: Barry Keefer
Motion made and passed to approve Treasurer’s report Burn Pile: Buddy – discussion held off until fall… Boat Dock: Craig
Dumpsters: Jack
Grass Cutting: Blade Runners
Legal Updates: Jack
Pool: Jack
Tennis Courts: Buddy & Jack
Water: Jack
Motion to Adjourn - approved at 11:30 Respectfully Submitted, Lynne Partridge Future meeting dates 10:00 am August 10 2019 - OP Library October 12 2019 - 20 Riverview Drive January 11, 2020 - 20 Riverview Drive February 8, 2020 Annual Meeting - OP Library at 1:00 pm |
February 2025