BOARD VACANCIES - appointed til next February then elections
Welcome Lisa Smith, Riverview Drive, as Board Director. Lisa will serve on the Architectural Review and County Water Project Committees THANKS to all who showed up to help with the opening of our pool on Thursday 5/26. We carried and scrubbed furniture, set up umbrellas, power washed the decking... and got to connect with neighbors. Special thanks to Robin Custead for providing snacks and Chris Ramey for power washing. THANKS TO BRANDON RIDOUT for agreeing to manage the well. Still looking for someone to manage/monitor Septic Systems. Requires observation of the signal system and contacting Atlantic pumping as needed. SPECIAL THANKS TO JEFF STOPFORD, a certified horticulturist who has led the efforts to improve the parking lot gardens. Jeff has also painted all of the utility boxes throughout the community. A small detail with a big effect. VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS NEEDED - our community is small and the task of our Board is to manage and maintain its amenities and facilities. We manage the finances and work to coordinate service providers, however, there are lots of times when we roll up our sleeves to get something done. There are just 7 of us and we need everyone’s help! Please consider joining one of our committees. We will also post specific events with a call for help.... BOARD ESTABLISHED SPENDING POLICIES - Any item included in the approved budget does not need further consideration or Board action. All expenditures not included in the annual budget must be communicated to the Board. When appropriate, Board approval by vote may be required. However, in the case of emergency repairs of essential utilities, the Board will be notified of expenses in a timely manner. - Funds acquired from property resales are separate from HOA dues, and may be used at the discretion of the Board. The source of these funds are dependent on home sales and so may fluctuate from year to year. Discretionary funds may include but are not limited to expenses of the social committee, gardens, upgrades to facilities, etc. HOA DIRECTORY - The Board considered a suggestion to publish an HOA resident directory. This is intended to promote communication between and among neighbors. We discussed giving residents the option to opt out, and will send a survey to determine interest. COUNTY WATER PROJECT 4/22/22 Bill Custead and Bill Killinger met with Bob Mitchell - (document has been uploaded to website 5/17/22 Public Hearing to approve application for County water - Attended by Bill and Jolene Killinger, Pat Morrison, Keith Mitchell, Lynne Partridge. Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the application to the USDA for county water for a grant. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE With summer underway, just a reminder about curb appeal. Keeping our lawns and fronts orderly lends to the overall appearance and property values of our community. Townhouse Signage The sign outside of townhouse Lot A was confusing, incomplete, and has been removed. We need to identify and prominently display the address and unit numbers of each townhouse. Owners can help by letting us know your mailing address so we can design and post the new signs. Contact Lynne Partridge [email protected] or Craig Costantino [email protected] with your mailing address. Fence in Parking Lot A A request to remove the fence for additional parking was granted. The fence was removed and the materials will be repurposed at the pool in order to create an entrance. Board members Andrew Davis and Bill Custead will install the fence and Craig Costantino has acquired several pavers to install at the pool entrance to help reduce flooding. Volunteers needed for these projects...stay tuned for the date. ! Painting of Townhouses Colors for the townhouses have been established. Exterior Paint from Sherwin Williams 1151 Doric White B30WB5151 for the body, and St. Martin’s Brown for the trim (a custom color that has been created to match facia board). Owners who wish to replace the facia board (trim along roof lines) should use Musket Brown (found at Coastal Roofing). Several townhouse owners have already indicated their plan to paint. We look forward to seeing this improvement. The Board will continue to explore long term options for painting all of the townhouses on a regular schedule. Phragmites The Board continues to explore methods of controlling this invasive species. We are cognizant of the protected nature of our wetlands and will ensure we follow all regulations. Wetlands Our waterfronts are environmentally protected wetlands that are regulated by state and federal laws. Waterfront properties and the HOA are responsible for maintaining these zones by not allowing the dumping of brush, mulch, and plants in protected areas. HOA wetlands and buffer zones may not be used for gardens; no fences, plantings, mulch, etc. All trees, shrubs and growth are legally protected and may require a permit or letter of permission in order to be trimmed, cut down, or altered in any way. Even the invasive species of Phragmite requires a permit for removal. Fines are steep for owners who do not comply with these ordinances. We are committed to following these laws in the protection of what is a most valuable asset of our community. Please contact Lynne Partridge if you have any questions about these protected areas. COMMUNICATION We will continue to publish Community Updates following Board meetings. We have drafted a new letter to welcome new residents as they join our community. Stay connected by visiting our website that contains updates, notices and links to Board and Committee meetings. LAWNCARE/LANDSCAPE Lawns are in good shape. They have been cut as needed and we have saved money. The gardens in the townhouse parking lots have been weeded and unsightly bushes have been removed, and utility boxes have been painted. Our goal is to create a perennial garden designed with plantings that require little to no maintenance. POOL We’ve had a great opening. The plumbing has been resolved and bathrooms are in working order. The new umbrellas look welcoming, and plans to upgrade the entrance are underway. DRIVEWAY, DUMPSTERS Gravel for driveway has been ordered and we are awaiting delivery SUNSHINE/SOCIAL COMMITTEE Thanks to Robin Custead for providing refreshments for volunteers of the pool reopening. See our next event below. Community potluck on July 2, 2022, 4-6 pm at the pool. The 4th of July weekend is a great time to connect with neighbors! Bring an appetizer to share and your choice of a beverage and let’s meet at the pool.
February 2025