The pool opens Saturday the 29th for the summer season.....with no COVID restrictions and lots of furniture!! Please pick up your pool key from Janie Stopford at 11343 Marina Drive. Text or call her at 484 620 9102. In an attempt to update owner contact information, we are asking that you download the form below, complete it and give it to Janie when you pick up your key. We are putting out furniture and having a clean-up on Wednesday the 26th around 6 pm. If you are free, please join us and lend a helping hand. You may pick up your pool key at that time also. Your Board wishes you a terrific summer!
St. Martins By the Bay
HOA Board Meeting Minutes 5/20/21 Meeting via Zoom hosted by L. Partridge In attendance: Jack Shook, Barry Keefer, Lynne Partridge, Craig Constantino, Buddy Dukes, Mike Shutt, Janie Stopford Meeting called to order - Jack Shook at 7:00 pm Treasurer’s Report – Barry Keefer - Boat Account - $11636.00 - Checking / Savings - $99,830.74 ($20388.35 is Boat Dock Saving) - HOA Dues - all but 3 paid $14,168 outstanding (including partial and monthly payments) Motion to approve Budget made and passed Minutes from previous meeting February 13, 2021 - L. Partridge Motion to approve minutes made and passed Water – Jack Shook - Breakage at Hernandez home. Asphalt repair broke our water pipes, Jack had company repair the next day. However issue with air in water lines. Resolved. - Update from Bob Mitchell- report from site visit to be submitted to USDA for grants / loans... process continues to move forward. - Discussion of smell of water today, - Power washing is taking water 2 1/2 gallons per minute. Discussion about a letter warning residents to conserve water Dock – Craig Constantino /Jack Shook - Dock hose hookup was broken and replaced - 3 way hose hookup in need of repair - Only 3 slips open... all rest are filled - Ramp in need of repair Pump House – Jack Shook - Bob Mitchell visited a month ago; pump house was a mess - Yesterday a lady came to take water samples - Air compressor in need of replacement Landscape- Jack Shook - Common areas are being kept up - Buddy suggests need to trim trees n areas pool/ road/ need bids. Mike suggests swapping some contracted tasks for these areas. - Dumpster area needs to be cleaned out - Craig asks for cash for mulch for common areas. Motion made and approved to reimburse Craig for mulch of island and common areas - Road to Pool n dumpsters - Estimate for stone for driveway $700 Pool- Janie Stopford and Lynne Partridge - Pool will open Saturday May 29 - No restrictions for signage, cleaning, distance, masks - Keys are ready to be picked up - Pool guy arrived to prep pool - Bathrooms are ready - Need help setting up furniture Wednesday 5/26 at 6:00 pm - Power washing – discussed need to power wash pool decking - Cost of new Keys was $630 Next year, should we consider keeping keys ? Burn pile/ Dumpsters/ Dumping: Craig Constantino - There was a good burn recently - Discussion on question about purpose: to burn trimmings from trees, shrubs from common areas, and single homes - Community had been surveyed in the recent past and indicate that most prefer to keep the burn pile - Discussion of outside users dump treated lumber and other things not suited for the pile as well as illegal use of dumpsters. Need to educate residents not to invite outside friends to dump. Cameras – Janie Stopford - Discussion of need for additional cameras to capture licenses of illegal dumping in trash and burn pile. - Concerns about cost versus ability/willingness to prosecute. Motion made and approved (4 to 3) to spend up to $3000 to install license plate camera on Pool Lane and Marina Dr. to prevent illegal dumping. Motion made to adjourn meeting 8:10 pm Respectfully Submitted, Lynne Partridge |
December 2024