To the Residents of St. Martin’s By the Bay, Happy New Year. We hope you’ve enjoyed the holidays and continue to remain well. The HOA Board met on Saturday 1/8/22 to review the budget for the upcoming year in preparation for next month’s Annual Meeting. Attached are important updates and instructions for Board elections. (Hard copies of these documents will be mailed to you as well.) At this point the Annual meeting is scheduled to be in person at the Ocean Pines Library on Saturday, February 12, at 1:00. However, given the changing nature of this pandemic, changes may occur. Stay tuned. Follow the link to find the following documents: 1. Community Update 2. Ballot for Board of Directors 3. Bios of Candidates for the Board 4. Ballot for By-law changes 5. 2022 Budget INCLUDED IN THE DOWNLOADABLE DOCUMENTS AND DOCUMENTS THAT WILL BE MAILED TO YOU ARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR VOTING... In preparation for the upcoming elections for Board of Directors, we are striving to create a process that is both fair, safe, and secure. To that end the ballots will be emailed, mailed via USPS, and posted on the website. Residents will then have the option to return their ballot in a number of ways: 1. Mail your ballot via USPS to: St Martin’s By the Bay Homeowner’s Association PO Box 1404 Berlin, MD 21811 Ballots must arrive at the Post Office no later than Friday January 11, 2022. GIven the slow nature of our postal service, please mail your ballot early. 2. Drop your ballot in Barry Keefer’s mailbox on his office door at 11225 St. Martin’s Parkway - No later than Noon on February 12, 2022 3. Bring your ballot to the library at 1:00 PM on the day of the meeting February 12, 2022 DOWNLOAD DOCUMENTS ![]()
February 2025