Thanks again to Board members who have been hard at work this summer dealing with and finding a short term solution to our aging water system. The newly installed tanks should hopefully resolve the constant interruptions to our water service. Nevertheless it is being closely monitored… Welcome new neighbor Melissa McCrae (#44), Marina Drive. Our sincerest condolences to the families of Kathleen O’Hanlon, Riverview Drive, Don Marini, St. Martin’s Parkway, and Jim Adcock, St. Martin’s Parkway. And a thank you to Robin for sending all the cards. Be sure to update your email or sign up on our website to keep up to date on important topics. For those who do not have email, we will print and hand deliver important notices. Owners who have renters should alert tenants of any emergency notices. WATER/SEPTIC SYSTEMS Water System On July 4th, a major break in a pipe in the well was repaired. We later learned that the break pushed sand into one of the filters causing a malfunction that resulted in the water remaining brown for several days afterward. For the next several weeks Board members met with 3 water companies to understand the problem, get bids, and review options to repair the aging system. Part of our decision was to find a solution that would make improvements sufficient to last for the next two years, keeping costs as low as possible. The Board ultimately voted to award them bid to Sharpe Water who has been a partner with us for many years. We met with a representative who explained exactly how the water system works and what part was the weakest. On 8/10 a new system of tanks was installed to replace the aging, corroded tank that had been leaking. The new system immediately improved water pressure and reduced the strain on the filters that resulted in discolored water. A vote was also cast to fund the $11,180 cost with a Special Assessment (due in October 2023). Each homeowner will be assessed approximately $250. After the summer we have had it seems like a small, but necessary cost. Details of the assessment will be sent separately. Septic Tanks In June a break in the tank near Parking Lot B was repaired. This $10,000 cost was covered by budgeted funds. In August the tanks for Townhouses A and B were pumped. Reminder that tanks of private homes should be pumped every 5 years. RESERVE STUDY All field work and data has been gathered. A first draft report will be written and sent to the Board this month. We will read, question, debate it, then a second draft will be prepared. We should be on target for the October deadline. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE While some progress on townhouse repairs has begun, many more are still in need of repair/painting. The first picture of Townhouses C and D show variations in color. Recently two of the townhouses have been painted and the difference is dramatic. Our hope is this becomes contagious!
December 2024