Hello Neighbors,
Just a reminder that our Annual Meeting will take place next Saturday, February 8, 2025 at the Ocean Pines Library at 1:00 pm. Although the meeting will be held in person, below is a link for virtual attendance if you cannot be there in person. 2.8.25 Annual HOA Meeting Saturday, February 8 · 1:00 – 3:00pm Time zone: America/New_York Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ixp-jpge-aya Or dial: (US) +1 401-646-2009 PIN: 722 257 055# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/ixp-jpge-aya?pin=4250498813927 Ballots to vote for Board Members can be mailed, dropped off at Keith Miller's house or at the Library on Saturday no later than 1:00.
Notice is given that the Annual Meeting of Members shall be held on Saturday, February 8th, 2025 at 1:00 pm at the Ocean Pines Library. In addition to other business, the Association will hold its election of directors.
If you wish to nominate someone to serve on the Board of Directors you must notify the HOA via email or in writing. Send your nomination to [email protected]. List the name and address of the individual you wish to nominate no later than December 23, 2024. Only members in good standing are eligible to vote and to serve on the board of directors. The nominee must be notified before you nominate them for election and must agree to serve if they are duly elected. Ballots and election procedures will be mailed to all members on January 10, 2025. Options will be provided for in person and/or electronic submission of ballots. The election shall take place at the annual meeting. February, 2025
Craig Costantino (Unit #46 Marina Drive): 26 years in St. Martins. Currently on the Board, I have worked as Dock Master; Community website, designer, maintenance and host; Email campaign management; Member Architectural Control Committee; Volunteer, landscaping maintenance; Graphics for signage; Pool set-up. Bill Custead (11350 Marina Drive): I retired on 12/31/21 after 47 years working in the utility construction business, the last 32 of which I spent as executive vice president of Anchor Construction, the largest utility contractor in the DC Metro area. Our work included the installation and repair of public water, sewer, storm drainage and electric conduits for municipalities, under contracts ranging from $500,000 to $25,000,000. My work specifically included managing/overseeing contract review, work scopes, subcontractors, scheduling, bidding, risk evaluation and operations. I would hope to use my experience to help the HOA Board manage its operations and participate in the upcoming installation of public water. Andrew Davis (Unit #8 Riverview Drive): I am new to St. Martins, along with my wife and 2 daughters. We are excited to be part of this community; I’ve always enjoyed working with others toward a common goal. My work is in construction management. I managed the development and construction of several new home communities in Maryland. Currently I am US Construction Manager for an international design and construction firm. Keith Miller (11750 Riverview Drive): My work experience is in restaurant services. For 12 years I was purchasing director for 5 large restaurants in the Maryland/Delaware area. Currently, I am in sales management for Wagner Food Service, a large ($65 million annual sales) foodservice distributor covering the Mid-Atlantic area. My work includes sales management, advanced strategic planning, purchasing and distribution. I currently serve as Treasurer and on the Architectural Review Committee. I have enjoyed other volunteer work as a Sunday school teacher and girls lacrosse coach. I believe I can assist the Board manage the important assets of our community. Lynne Partridge (Unit #20 Riverview Drive): After 41 years in elementary education as a teacher and administrator, I have retired. I’ve been in the Ocean Pines area for over 30 years, and in St. Martins for the past 9 years. I am completing my second 3-year term on the HOA Board, during which I served as Board Secretary and as Chair of the Architectural Review Committee and in the last term as Board Chair. I am proud of the Board’s reorganization and commitment to ensure that we as a Board strengthen our organization, develop strategic planning, and continue to serve this community with responsibility and fidelity. I look forward to working with Board and community members in these efforts. Patty Pino (Coming Soon) John Rego (Coming Soon) Janie Stopford (11343 Marina Drive): I worked as a nurse practitioner, started and was head of the graduate nursing program at Widener University, and have a Ph.D. in exercise physiology. My husband Jeff and I bought our first lot in St. Martins in 1988, have had a house here since 1992, and now live here full time. We also rent property adjoining the community, on which we have a pasture and maintain trails open to the public. I am completing my third 3-year term on the HOA Board. I have served as Secretary. I have helped out when and where help was needed: pool operations, boatyard reorganization, burn pile, repairs to water and sewer systems, Architectural Review Committee, beach area. I enjoy our small community. I want to see it run fairly and responsibly. Happy Fall Neighbors! This update summarizes the minutes from our latest HOA Board meeting of 10/15/24 and shares recent important events. (Minutes of the 10/15/24 HOA Board meeting have been posted to the website). We continue to be thankful for our resident volunteers who answer the call when needed. Bill Smith, John Rego, Chris Ramey, and Matt Taylor have offered their expertise on a number of projects around the community. Board terms will be up next February for 6 members. Thankfully Janie Stopford has decided to remain with us for another term. At the October 15th Board meeting we voted to increase the Board of Directors from 8 to 10, and so we are looking for two new Board members. A call for nominations will be mailed later this Fall. If you are a resident who is willing to contribute your time and energy to helping maintain and run our community, please consider joining us. If you have any ideas or want further information, feel free to reach out to any Board member! Water Pipe Breaks Water line pipe breaks have occurred at 2 townhomes within the last 2 months. Deppe Bros Excavations have repaired both at a cost to individual homeowners. It is the practice of the HOA that breaks in the 3 inch water main are the responsibility of the HOA, while breaks in the ¾ inch water lines to individual homes are the responsibility of the homeowner. Since last December there have been 5 breaks to water lines or shut-off valves all of which have been at the cost to individual homeowners. With the age of our infrastructure, we anticipate there may be more breaks coming, Because of this we are urging homeowners to consider replacing the water lines to their homes once the county installs the new system. This will be strictly voluntary as it will be at the cost to each homeowner. We are hoping to secure a group rate for anyone interested…. more to come as the time nears. Water Supply The recent report of a metallic taste and smell was due to a crack in the chlorine pipe. It has been fixed. Waterfront A fall phragmites clearing will be scheduled for November 29 followed by a late spring clearing date TBD. We will send out a reminder as volunteers are appreciated. Pool Estimates for a clogged backwash pipe, leaky skimmer, repair of patio cracks, and repainting of the bathroom floors were discussed and plans for these repairs will be underway before the 2025 season. Tennis Courts After much discussion about the use of the tennis courts; boat storage versus family multi use, it was decided that residents John Rego and Matt Taylor will investigate options and present them to the Board for consideration. Burn Pile Burn is scheduled for Friday after Thanksgiving (November 29, 2024). As we head into the Fall and holiday season, wishing you well. On behalf of the St. Martin’s By The Bay HOA Board of Directors, Lynne Partridge, Chair |
February 2025